Bread-Baking Kitchen Hacks to Save Money: Special Ingredients

Reader Contribution by Wendy Akin
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Jars of citrus zests, ginger, and boiled cider.

This is Part 2 in Wendy Akin’s frugal-living baking hacks series.Read all parts here.

Next to grab my attention were the prices of special flavor ingredients. If you’ve followed my posts over the years, you’ve already seen some of these.

Boiled cider. Don’t waste money on boiled cider at $15 for only 16 ounces: For $6 or $8, buy a gallon of really good cider. Drink a couple glasses, then pour the rest into a stock pot or Dutch oven — a wide one if you have it — and boil the cider down. Reduce the cider to about one quarter. Your house will smell fabulous all day.

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