Real boiled peanuts can only be enjoyed in the fall, when moist, green peanuts have just been plucked from wet dirt (mostly in the South). If you’re growing peanuts, you’ll be able to do this, or find a farmer who will sell you some green peanuts (see “Recommended Green and Raw Peanut Sources,” below). Your boiled peanuts will freeze well for year-round snacking, or you can also approximate the real thing by starting with raw peanuts. Yield: 1 pound.
1 pound green peanuts in the shells
5 tbsp kosher salt
Rinse peanuts well, and then add them to a stockpot. Cover them completely with cold water, then stir in the salt. Bring the water to a boil, then cover and reduce to a gentle boil over medium heat. Continue to boil the peanuts for about 3 hours, stirring every half hour or so. Add water if the level gets too low. Turn off the heat and let the pot sit with the lid on for about 30 minutes.
Serve the peanuts warm, and encourage your guests to suck the delicious brine off of the shells before splitting them open, tossing the shells on the ground and chomping on the savory nuts. For a different take, add several dashes of Old Bay or your favorite Cajun seasoning to the stockpot along with the nuts, then squeeze lemon juice over the peanuts before serving. Boiled peanuts are amazing with ice-cold beer or sweet tea.
Recommended Green and Raw Peanut Sources
Bertie County Peanuts
Hardy Farms Peanuts
The Lee Bros. Boiled Peanuts Catalogue
Nuts Online
Whitley’s Peanut Factory
More Peanut Recipes
Easy Ways to Use Versatile Peanuts
Easy Roasted Peanuts in the Shell Recipe
Honey Roasted Peanuts Recipe
Southern Peanut Stew With Sweet Potatoes and Collard Greens Recipe
Fabulous Homemade Peanut Butter Recipe
Sweet and Spicy Peanut Brittle Recipe
Addictive Peanut Sauce Recipe