A Blood Sausage Recipe, How to Buy Cheap Vegetables and Home Baking Tips

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Try adding orange extract or frozen orange juice concentrate to recipes when substituting whole wheat flour for white flour to give your bread a richer taste.

First, I want to apologize to those people who responded to my “Positions & Situations” listing in the May/ June 1973 issue of MOTHER EARTH NEWS and never got answers. Two members of our group died in an automobile accident last July while we were on our way to look at a farm. After that, we just never got ourselves together enough to reply to all the mail.

Now for some miscellaneous ramblings on subjects of interest. In the November/December 1973 issue of MOTHER EARTH NEWS, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gray asked how to make blood sausage (blutwurst). My boss gave me the following recipe off the top of his head; he says it’s precise enough if you know what end result you’re aiming for.

Blood Sausage Recipe

In some localities it’s possible to buy fresh pork blood. Otherwise, the first step is to stick a pig, being careful to cut only the jugular, not the esophagus. Catch the blood in a stainless steel or plastic (not galvanized) bucket and stir it constantly to prevent clotting. (Use your hand rather than a spoon.) Mix in three to four teaspoons of salt to half a pail of blood and immediately add the following: cooked rice and/or barley sufficient to absorb the liquid adequately, chopped fatty pork, pepper, marjoram and additional salt to taste. Depending upon your preferences and the nationality you’re imitating, you might try other spices, chopped onions, garlic powder, etc.

Stuff the mixture into whatever type of casing you prefer and tie the sausages. Simmer them in a large pot of water until they’re cooked and chill them immediately. Serve the blutwurst cold or sliced, fried in butter and topped with lingonberry preserves. This is an uncured product, not meant for long keeping, so teach all your friends to like it.

  • Published on Mar 1, 1974
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