World’s Best Cornbread Recipe

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Revisit a piece of American culinary history with our best cornbread recipe.

Cornbread is central to American culinary history. The early settlers often depended on it. While today cornbread is largely a regional food eaten mostly in the South, this has not always been so. For all of us outside the “cornbread belt,” this food is worth a revisit. Floriani Red Flint corn produces an orange-yellow bread. For this recipe (in truth, we don’t know if it really is the world’s best cornbread recipe, but we’re confident it must be in the running), use a finely ground meal or sift a coarser flour to produce a finer one. If you make your own butter, use the buttermilk. If you aren’t ready to bake when you make butter, you can always freeze the buttermilk for later use.

2 eggs
2 cups buttermilk
2 cups fine or medium cornmeal
1 tsp baking soda

  • Published on Dec 1, 2010
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