Apricot Butter Recipe

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Sweet, smooth apricot butter is decadent on a fresh baguette.
Sweet, smooth apricot butter is decadent on a fresh baguette.
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Camilla Wynne shares her creative takes on classic food-preservation ideas in “Preservation Society Home Preserves.” Simple ingredients and clear instructions bring these unique, mouth-watering creations within reach of beginners and seasoned preservers alike.
Camilla Wynne shares her creative takes on classic food-preservation ideas in “Preservation Society Home Preserves.” Simple ingredients and clear instructions bring these unique, mouth-watering creations within reach of beginners and seasoned preservers alike.
1 hr 40 min DURATION
10 min COOK TIME
1 hr 30 min PREP TIME
Six 8-ounce jars SERVINGS


  • 4.4 pounds apricots (about 50 small)
  • 1 cup apricot nectar
  • 6 tbsp lemon juice
  • 4 cups granulated sugar


  • Pit and quarter the apricots. You should have about 13 cups.
  • In a large pot, combine the apricots, apricot nectar and lemon juice. Cover and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.
  • Reduce the heat to medium and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 30 minutes or until the apricots are very soft and have begun to break down.
  • In the meantime, prepare the jars and lids.
  • Remove the apricot mixture from the heat and let cool for a few minutes before puréeing. You can do this with an immersion blender, a food mill, a food processor or a blender. Just don’t overdo it — you don’t want the apricots completely liquefied.
  • In a large pot or preserving pan, combine the apricot purée and sugar. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring often.
  • Boil, stirring often and gradually reducing the heat, until the setting point is reached.
  • Ladle butter into the hot jars to within 1⁄4 inch of the rim. Remove any air bubbles and wipe rims. Place the lids on the jars and screw the bands on until fingertip-tight.
  • Process in a boiling water canner for 10 minutes.


    If using fresh lemon juice, you’ll need about 2 lemons for 6 tbsp lemon juice.

    More recipes from Preservation Society Home Preserves:

    Homemade Fruit Cocktail RecipeJalapeño Jam Recipe
    Courtesy of Preservation Society Home Preserves by Camilla Wynne, 2015 © Robert Rose Reprinted with publisher permission. Available where books are sold, or from our store: Preservation Society Home Preserves.

Beginners and seasoned preservers will find amusing, creative and mouth-watering preserves in Preservation Society Home Preserves (Robert Rose Inc., 2015) by Camilla Wynne. A combination of classic ideas and surprise twists in Wynne’s recipes make them both easy to follow and delightfully unique, from jams, jellies and marmalades to syrups, marinades, chutneys and conserves. The following recipe is from “Jellies and Butters.”

You can purchase this book from the MOTHER EARTH NEWS store: Preservation Society Home Preserves.

I could go on and on about how glorious this butter is. Apricots are one of my very favorite fruits, and there’s something about them in this silky guise that’s extra-special.

You will need an immersion blender, food mill, food processor or blender for this recipe.

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