Apple Guacamole Recipe

Reader Contribution by Katie Wilson
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Between my CSA, favorite farms, our local Co-op, and farmers market, I end up not buying much at the conventional grocery store, but I still find myself there from time to time. There are few things that I love that I cannot get locally grown or produced. As you may know, avocados do not grow in Vermont and I think avocados are pretty much the greatest thing to add to salad, make into spreads, stuff into sandwiches and just eat. This week I found that avocados were on sale at the conventional grocery store for pretty much as cheap as we ever see them here in Vermont which is about a dollar each. Sometimes the grocery store will have bulk deals, but I never end up using them up fast enough that some do not go bad and thus the deal in the supermarket is foiled by the home cook. Today, they were being sold individually!

Last week, we had the first frost and this has been followed by most nights going down into the 20s. Many days have been nice alternating between warmish rain and clear but crisp days. The kale and brussel sprouts still look okay, but everything else that has not been picked and taken in has the sad droopy look of freezing through. The basil leaves are black and look wet; the tomatoes are just stringy stalks. I now have a glut of food waiting for processing (apples, squash, and basil) or that I cut and brought inside in an attempt to have it past the freeze (parsley).

When I saw the avocados, I knew that guacamole was in my future even though I need to work with what I have now to make it. I usually use tomatoes, onion, cilantro, lime juice, and a dash of salt. I have onions, lime juice, and sea salt from a friend in Maine. Tomatoes and delicate cilantro are long past. Additionally cilantro did not do well this year as it was so dry. I just could not keep it wet enough and am disappointed to say I have no home-grown coriander seeds to crush up into this winter’s mexican fare. So those are out for the recipe. I decide to replace it with parsley. I have a huge bouquet of parsley in the kitchen. I likely won’t get through it before it all yellows. After tending it all summer,  I just couldn’t leave it out to freeze, so I brought in too much.

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