4 Natural Leaven Tips From a Beginner

Reader Contribution by Jonathan Sadowski
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Last week I successfully baked my first natural leaven loaf.  After weeks of trial and error, and sticky jars, and questions (some may even say interrogations) about how long my experiments would be kicking around the kitchen, I seemed to have read up enough, put this and that tip together and voila, the wonderful bread you see here.

Every piece of advice I came across seemed to be someone who has had starter that was three generations old and explains his/her eight day, 47 step process to great bread as if it were nothing.  While there is a lot of history, knowledge, and experience within the natural-leaven bread community, starting out, getting it right, or asking for help can seem intimidating. 

Lessons Learned From Baking with Natural Yeast

As a newbie, I feel I can provide some tips and guidance in an understanding manner to those thinking about trying to bake bread with natural yeast. Here’s what I have learned from many failures and first success:

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