White House Launches Farmers Market

Reader Contribution by Staff

The White House is about to launch an open-to-the-public farmers market this week. Situated on the north side of the White House lawn, the weekly market will offer D.C.-area residents (and visitors) the opportunity to purchase fresh food directly from the farmers who grew it. The White House farmers market is one initiative among others, such as the White House organic food garden, that serves as a symbol to the rest of the United States that the current administration is supportive of small food producers and sustainable, healthy food systems.

In her announcement at the Chefs Collaborative National Summit today, Ann Wright, the Deputy Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, said that whereas the USDA previously has not placed an emphasis on small, rural, local and sustainable food production, the current administration is fully supportive of these endeavors. According to Wright, the White House farmers market will launch Thursday, Sept. 17.

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