The Other Chile Peppers

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Growing tips: Particularly good for container growing. Pods begin ripening 80 to 120 days after transplanting. Plants set 100 or more pods.
Growing tips: Particularly good for container growing. Pods begin ripening 80 to 120 days after transplanting. Plants set 100 or more pods.
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A Bolivian Red pepper pod.
A Bolivian Red pepper pod.
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Growing tips: Pods begin ripening 120 days after transplanting. Plants set 40 or more pods.
Growing tips: Pods begin ripening 120 days after transplanting. Plants set 40 or more pods.
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Growing tips: Slow to germinate? Allow up to seven weeks. Pods begin ripening. 120 to 140 days after transplanting. Plants are more cold-hardy than other species.
Growing tips: Slow to germinate? Allow up to seven weeks. Pods begin ripening. 120 to 140 days after transplanting. Plants are more cold-hardy than other species.
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Growing tips: Seeds are slow to germinate. Plants do best in high humidity. Pods begin ripening 80 to 120 days after transplanting. Plants can set up to 50 pods.
Growing tips: Seeds are slow to germinate. Plants do best in high humidity. Pods begin ripening 80 to 120 days after transplanting. Plants can set up to 50 pods.
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Because of their fruitiness, C. chinense peppers are often used in fresh salsas and in hot sauces based on carrots, onions and tropical fruits such as mangoes.
Because of their fruitiness, C. chinense peppers are often used in fresh salsas and in hot sauces based on carrots, onions and tropical fruits such as mangoes.

If you’re looking for unexpected flavors, like lemon or apricot, or extra heat in your chile peppers, it’s time to explore the “other peppers.” Ninety percent of pepper varieties, from bells to jalapenos, are the same species — Capsicum annuum.

Among the rest are smoky, fruity habaneros (C. chinese), fiery ‘Tabasco’ peppers (C. frutescens), citrus-like baccatums (C. baccatum) and pear-shaped rocotos (C. pubescens). Although these peppers are usually smaller than bell peppers, they pack their own special punch in terms of flavor and heat. Whether you want really fiery peppers or great flavors without the heat, you’ll find lots of favorites among these four lesser-known species.

The Habaneros

  • Published on Feb 1, 2004
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