Succession Gardening

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by AdobeStock/mjaud

In Episode 13 of Mother Earth News and Friends our guests and I will share our expertise to discuss Succession Gardening; when to plant, and what for extended seasons and a year-round harvest!

Our Podcast Guests

Rebecca Martin, Managing editor of MOTHER EARTH NEWS is an expert in all things green and sustainable but particularly loves gardening, food-preservations, and green transportation, particularly cycling.

Pam Dawling is a contributing editor with “Growing for Market” magazine. Her book, “Sustainable Market Farming”, is on sale at this event. An avid vegetable grower for almost 40 years, she has lived at Twin Oaks Community in central Virginia for more than 20 years, growing vegetables and berries for 100 people on 3.5 acres, and providing training for members in sustainable vegetable production.

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