Start a Baby Food Garden

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Photo by Janice Lilly
Peas, berries, squash, and more can be grown at home and puréed into baby food.

Are you, or is someone you know, having a baby soon? If so, and you love to garden, then you may want to try installing a baby food garden. Last year, I grew peas, green beans, zucchini, carrots, spinach, beets, and kale, and turned them into homemade baby food purées for my little girl. What I didn’t have space for in my small suburban garden, I sourced from friends or the local farmers market. My mother also grew and shared her pears and squash, which make great baby food, too.

Making baby food is much easier than most people think. Start with clean equipment, wash your produce, and steam it until soft. Then, let it cool and blend it until smooth. Portion out what you want to use that day and then freeze the rest in trays. You can prepare several batches on the weekend and have a whole week’s worth of food ready when your baby needs it. Be sure to check with the child’s pediatrician before starting them on solids, especially if they have any special medical concerns.

Growing and making baby food for my little girl was fun and fulfilling, plus it saved us a lot of money!

Janice Lilly
Middletown, Pennsylvania

Want more ideas for what to grow in your baby food garden? Browse our Crops at a Glance Guide.

  • Published on May 13, 2016
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