Seed Savers, Garden Competitions, and Other Seasonal Gardening Tips

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Kent Whealy, founder of Seed Savers Exchange, with his heirloom "Moon and Stars" watermelons.

Winter’s cold is long past, early spring showers have moistened the soil, and sunny days grace the garden. This is nature’s most exciting time, as miracles of germination and growth occur daily. Let growing concerns cast care aside!

Seed-Savers Alert

If you’re interested in the preservation of heritage vegetables, mark the dates October 4-6 on your calendar, because on that long weekend the National Garden Association will hold a conference on the topic at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis. According to the February 1985 issue of Gardens for All (the association’s monthly magazine), the purposes of the conference are twofold: to help improve our understanding of how to locate and save seeds of heirloom varieties, and to help dramatize the necessity for preserving genetically diverse seed stocks. And if you want access to sources of heirloom varieties, be sure to join Kent Whealy’s Seed Savers Exchange.

  • Published on May 1, 1985
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