Continuing Fight for the Right to Grow Food: Orlando’s War on Gardens

Reader Contribution by Kale Roberts
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In early October 2012, a notice from the City of Orlando’s Code Enforcement stated that Jennifer and Jason Helvenston’s “front yard must be restored to its original configuration and ground

covers restored.” As reported Nov. 12, Orlando has taken issue with the rows of beans, greens, and other vegetables occupying the space between the resident’s front door and sidewalk.

The Helvenston’s micro-irrigated front yard garden is in contrast to other yards in their neighborhood, where a “finished” and “inviting” appearance is mandatory. The Nov. 7 deadline for the garden removal passed with the Helvenston’s refusal to uproot their vegetables, and Jason declaring, “You’ll take my house before you take my vegetable garden.”

On Nov. 20, 2012, the City of Orlando’s Public Information Officer for the Office of the Mayor, Cassandra Lafser, told MOTHER EARTH NEWS:

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