Quick Tip: Preparing Your Potted Garden for a Hard Freeze

Reader Contribution by Melodie Metje
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When a hard freeze is in the forecast, it is time to pick the last of the tomatoes, peppers and eggplants and clean the plants from the garden! 

All the tomatoes, peppers and eggplants should be harvested before the vine is killed.  Green tomatoes can be made into fried green tomatoes (I love a spicy fish breading on mine), pickled, or stored in a dark place to ripen.  You can bring your pepper plants indoors and they will flower and produce for weeks.  They will survive the entire winter and get a one to two month head start on next year’s season.

You can compost any garden debris that is disease free, but dispose of any diseased plants in the garbage. Only high sustained temperatures will destroy the spores and it is not worth the risk of spreading into next year’s garden.

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