12 Steps to Successfully Planting Fruit Trees

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by Adobestock/zoomingfoto1712

Following these steps when planting fruit trees and with any luck your labors will bear fruit.

1. Heeling In: If you aren’t able to plant your tree as soon as you buy or receive it, you should “heel in” the newcomer. To do so, dig a trough — at a 45° angle — that’s deep enough at its lower end to completely contain the tree’s roots. Put the fruit-bearer-to-be in the trench, and cover its roots with soil. (This step isn’t necessary if your tree has a wrapped soil ball around its roots when purchased.) The important thing is not to let the roots dry out!

2. Pre watering: A full day prior to planting, thoroughly soak the area where the tree’s hole is to be dug.

3. Digging: Measure the depth and width of the root cluster, then — separating the top soil and subsoil as you go–dig a hole that exceeds (slightly) those dimensions. When the pit is dug, rough up its sides with your shovel or fork (to give the plant places to grip as it spreads underground … if this isn’t done, the new growth may simply circle in the hole causing the plant to become rootbound).

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