Planting Fall Perennial Onions and Shallots

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Clockwise From Top: Shallots, a form o multiplying onion, are favored by chefs for their distinctive flavor, described as a blend of onion and garlic; a harvest of Japanese multiplier 'Swensen's Small'; 'Yellow' potato onions grow in a distinctive pattern.
Clockwise From Top: Shallots, a form o multiplying onion, are favored by chefs for their distinctive flavor, described as a blend of onion and garlic; a harvest of Japanese multiplier 'Swensen's Small'; 'Yellow' potato onions grow in a distinctive pattern.
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Planting fall perennial onions reaps the rewards of years of good crops. These Egyptian or walking onions produce bulblets at the tops of tall stems each spring.
Planting fall perennial onions reaps the rewards of years of good crops. These Egyptian or walking onions produce bulblets at the tops of tall stems each spring.
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Perlzwiebel, also called Portuguese onion, is a kind of bulbing leek.
Perlzwiebel, also called Portuguese onion, is a kind of bulbing leek.
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Elephant Garlic
Elephant Garlic
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Onion Tips
Onion Tips

Fall perennial onions include multiplying onions, shallots and bulbing leeks, all of which supply years of good crops.

Fall Onion Recipes and Planting Tips

Chicken Chinense Recipe
Mussels With Garlic and Shallots Recipe
Baked Garlic Recipe
Onion Pie Recipe
Onion Planting and Cooking Tips

Most kitchen gardens contain at least one row of
onions, usually planted in the spring. Less well-known are

  • Published on Aug 1, 2003
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