Organic Materials Review Institute

Reader Contribution by Amber Lippert
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As an organic farmer at Camas Swale Farm, and as a Product Review Coordinator at the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI), spring is a thrilling time of year for me. In the office we are flooded

with applications from fertilizer, pest control and other agricultural input manufacturers who wish to have their product reviewed and verified to organic standards, in time for the growing season. On my fa
rm we do our seeding, care for young chicks, and we are in awe and gratitude of the warm and dry season we had this year.

On our farm we tilled a month earlier than last year. This being done, we had energy left to cultivate a new area of the pasture to expand our crop rotation space. We disc a portion of pasture (formerly mowed by sheep) and apply rock dust to the soil to raise the pH. Then we sow a summer cover crop of buckwheat and oats. 

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