Natural Lawn Care: Fertilizers, Pest and Weed Control, and Mowing Tips

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For smaller lawns, the old warhorse lawn mower can prove to be a boon to your fitness as well as Mother Nature's.
For smaller lawns, the old warhorse lawn mower can prove to be a boon to your fitness as well as Mother Nature's.
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Choose and plant a cultivated variety of grass that might be resistant to or unaffected by pests.
Choose and plant a cultivated variety of grass that might be resistant to or unaffected by pests.

There is much misunderstanding about the use of the word organic. When it comes to using the word in relation to natural lawn care, misunderstanding becomes outright confusion. Many people depend heavily on the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers to keep lawns healthy. These chemicals, however, can cause damage to plants that are not being sprayed but are in the vicinity, can cause harm to passing or resident animals, and in extreme cases can cause soil and water pollution if they are overused or used improperly.

It has been said that where these chemicals are used by many residents, they can enter into the food or water supply and become a direct danger to people’s health. For these reasons, it’s important that we keep our lawn care methods as natural and organic as possible.

Natural Fertilizers

In the case of fertilizing, there are many products and procedures that can be considered organic and natural:

1. Simply cut your lawn without a bag and leave the clippings to feed the lawn. Or better yet, use an up-to-date mulching mower to grind the grass up to usable proportions for your lawns.

  • Published on Jun 1, 1992
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