Making a willow hurdle is easy. Build as many as you need to make all sorts of useful and attractive fences and screens.
You’ll need:
• 4 hazel posts (at least 1 1/2 inches in diameter)
• Willow rods (flexible stems)
• Hammer
• Knife or ax (Optional — to whittle ends of posts to a point so they pierce the ground more easily.)
How to Make a Willow Hurdle
1. Hammer your hazel posts into the ground to form the upright posts for your hurdle. If the ground is hard, whittle the ends of the sticks to a point first.
2. Weave your first willow rod in and out of the upright posts. Weave your second rod in the opposite direction.
3. Select an extra-long rod and weave it into the hurdle, then flex the thinner end of the rod around the end post and weave it back into the hurdle. This will tie in the rods to hold the end upright posts in place. Repeat the process for the opposite end. Do this every few rows.
4. Continue adding rods, alternating the weave each time. Occasionally firm up the weave by tapping down the rods with a hammer or your hand so they lay firmly against each other.
5. Weave the final two rods around the end posts and tuck them into the weave for a tidy finish. Trim off any rods that stick out of the ends, or twist and weave them back in.
Learn more about making willow structures in this video.

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