Make a Corn-Sheller Box

Reader Contribution by Cindy Conner
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My goal is to help people grow their food and get it all the way to the table using the least fossil fuel. When they sit at that table to share a meal I don’t want them to be so worn out that they are too tired to eat. Or have too many blisters on their hands to hold a spoon. If you shell out dried corn by hand, blisters are sure to appear. If you are growing corn for cornmeal and grits, it is nice to have a corn sheller for the job and, once you have one, you need a box to mount it on.

There are as many designs and dimension of corn sheller boxes as there are people who make them. I made mine from plywood and other wood scraps we had on hand. The framing on the short sides stabilized the box and proved helpful as handles on the top edges. It is comfortable to grasp that edge on each side when I carry the box.  The longer sides do not have that framing. My box is 12” high and I think that is a good height.

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