Dear MOTHER: Improving Pollinators

Letters from our readers about family heirlooms, planting potatoes, and getting through these trying times.

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by Doreen Knapp

Remarkable Rebirth

After reading Editor at Large Hank Will’s “Feral Bees, Take 2” editorial (August/September 2019), I had to share some positive experiences of bee survival in my area. We’ve been having difficulty trying to prevent bee losses. Lots of beekeepers have reported losing at least half of their bee colonies. I’ve lost bees to what I would contribute to colony collapse disorder. Usually when I lose my bees, it’s late in the season, with all bees disappearing from the hives as well as an absence of any honey, brood, or dead bees. The hives are completely empty and void of evidence of any bee activity ever having existed. But last year was different. Late in the season, as I was treating my bees with formic acid, the surplus super on one of the hives was partially full, and later, when I removed the treatment, it was empty, as was the upper story of the bees’ honey stores. I fed them to ensure their survival, but for some reason, they used very little of what I’d given them. So, I figured they were doomed and gave up on them. During the month of February, we had an unusually warm day. As I was at my woodpile splitting, a bee landed on me. I just knew it couldn’t have been one of my bees, but I went to inspect the hive anyway, and I saw activity. I have no idea how they survived with little to no food stores, but for some reason, they wintered through and are doing well. I’ve since added a second surplus super, because the first was almost full of capped honey. Plus, I’ve started a new hive this year, and today I added its first surplus super, since the bees have their upper story full of capped honey.

Two years ago, I had an empty hive with no bees, and one day, I noticed activity at the entrance. I decided to open and inspect it, and I saw that a swarm had taken up residence. That was $130 worth of free bees!  And recently, as I was walking back to the house from the garden, I noticed a swarm of bees just overhead in my apple tree. I quickly put together a hive box and brushed as many into it as I could, and then I left the box on a stepladder. Sometime later, they were all in the box. More free bees! At least that’s a positive experience. I’m always interested in your articles because they’re packed with helpful and interesting information.

Gary Paine
Pomfret Center, Connecticut

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