I’ve decided that now that CBS has a TV Show called “Sh*t my
Dad Says” I can get away with using that word too. My neighbor Alyce, who
provides me with horse manure, is not prone to swearing but even she will use
that word on occasion. I get a load of manure from her every week or so, so one
could rightly conclude that I take a lot of sh*t from her. And I’m happy to do
during the summer but I’m not always consistent. But we have a paddock with
nothing of our own in it these days, so she’ll often use it to board horses or
cows that she wants to keep separate from the rest of the herd.
I am growing on a very sandy soil. Think of a sand box. If I
dig down about 6 inches that’s what I hit. In many places the sand is closer to
the surface than I’d like so for more than a decade I have been trying to build
up my topsoil and horse manure has been key to this. Alyce uses wood shavings
mixed with her horse manure so it’s a great supplement to my soil.
For nine months of the year it’s no problem hauling the
manure trailer in to where I want to spread the manure, but when there’s snow
on the ground it can be a real challenge. When I first moved here from the
suburbs I bought Alyce’s old truck, a Ford Ranger. It was 2-wheel drive. Two
“rear” wheel drive. Our other vehicle is a Honda Civic and we put snow tires on
it. Thanks to the front wheel drive I’m able to drive that sucker through snow
deeper than the undercarriage. I’ve really never been stuck in my Civic. But
the old Ranger – what a nightmare. If I had a buck for every time I got stuck
in the snow dragging a trailer full of manure with that truck, well I wouldn’t
need to be hauling manure.
Early in the winter when the snow wasn’t yet deep, I’d be
able to get in to the gardens. I would cut a few live poplar trees, which are
really heavy and grow like weeds around here, and put them in the back of the
truck for weight to help with traction. But once the snow got deeper it would
get progressively worse. I’d try and keep a trail packed down, but if it was a
heavy load and the truck got pulled out of the ruts, it was game over. My usual
Sunday activity used to be moving the truck 3 feet at a time. I’d put a metal
traction plate under the rear tires, spread some sand, move a few feet and
repeat. Over and over again.
Then last year I bought a used Ford Ranger 4×4 for $4,000.
What in heavens name was I waiting for? This thing is amazing. I can get this
sucker through unbelievably deep snow. I’m not one of those “need a big truck
for off-roading to get dirty” kinda guys, but this truck is just a joy. Now
I’ll be dragging the loaded trailer through deep snow and I’ll start to get that
sinking feeling of “well it’s slowing down now and it’s about to get stuck and
I’ll now be spending the afternoon getting it unstuck” but it doesn’t happen.
It does bog down sometimes, so I back up, take another run at it and off I go.
It helps that has a manual transmission so that I can adjust my gear to the
Whenever I am in a city these days it boggles my mind how
many people have SUVs, and cross over SUVs (which are just SUVs with a
different name) and big honking’ pick up trucks. Come on, you live in the city.
The snowplow keeps your streets cleared. And if the streets are so bad that you
can’t get through, take the hint and stay home. Let’s face it, 4x4s get lousy
fuel economy. I drive Ford’s smallest truck, the Ranger, and it sucks gas like
a Sherman tank. That’s why I only use it for work on the property. I can’t
afford to drive it anywhere else. And at $90/barrel I don’t think there’s any
doubt we’ve hit peak oil and the price has nowhere to go but up.
All you need in the city is a front-wheel-drive car with
snow tires. In fact I think there should be some sort of requirement that
people have to prove that they need a 4×4 before they can buy one. Yea, like a
“4×4 Assessment Board” that you have to plead your case to. “Well sirs, sometimes
the snow plow leaves a big pile at the end of the driveway and I need an SUV
because I’m too lazy to shovel it.” NEXT! It should be a real, legitimate need.
Like you have to get into the bush in deep snow to get firewood you cut in the
winter. Or you have to haul a trailer full of manure to your garden weekly
through deep snow. Yea, like that.Otherwise, you’ll just have to drive a car with snow tires.Ya, ya, I know, we’re not living in
Russia. No “4×4 Legitimacy Boards” here.
All I know is that for what I need it for my 4×4 is
fantastic. Why I waited a decade to get one is beyond me. I guess it just helps
me to appreciate it all the more after waiting for so long!
Photos by Michelle Mather.
For more information about Cam Mather or his books visit www.cammather.com or www.aztext.com.