Hydroponic Greenhouse Gardening

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Plants in the author's highly successful hydroponic greenhouse.
Plants in the author's highly successful hydroponic greenhouse.
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A flourishing tomato plant.
A flourishing tomato plant.
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Nutrient solution in plastic buckets is fed through hoses to plants rooted in beds of pebble gravel.
Nutrient solution in plastic buckets is fed through hoses to plants rooted in beds of pebble gravel.
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New plant starts.
New plant starts.
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Wife and son help with maintenance and harvesting.
Wife and son help with maintenance and harvesting.
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An abundance of hydroponically-grown pickled cucumbers.
An abundance of hydroponically-grown pickled cucumbers.

In “Build an Ecosystem: The Earth-Sheltered Solar Greenhouse” I described a homemade
ecosystem, an underground hydroponic greenhouse and
aquaculture tank which I recently built on my small New
Mexico homestead. In that article I discussed the
construction procedure and philosophical rationale of the

  • Published on Sep 1, 1974
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