You can flavor sugar and salt with homegrown herbs, fruits, and flowers from the garden. It is simple and fun. Let your taste buds and creativity run wild.
Flavors for Flavored Sugar
Kumquat (the rind is sweet and citrusy)
Rose hips or petals (gives off a beautiful fragrance in tea)
Flavors for Flavored Salts
Hot peppers
How To Make Flavored Sugars and Flavored Salts
Dry your ingredients first. For citrus peels, rose hips, or rose petals, I let dry in the pantry on a paper towel. For berries, I would dry in a dehydrator. Herbs I put loosely in a paper bag with the stems upright to dry. After they are dry, you can use a coffee grinder to grind to a fine powder, crush the herbs by hand, or for larger pieces, leave whole and mix 50/50 with organic sugar.
For salt, use fine sea salt for salt shaker use or coarse sea salt to use in a grinder. Yield 3/4 cup.
Steak and Grilled Veggie Seasoning
5/8 cup coarse sea salt
2 tablespoons small hot dried peppers
2 tablespoons juniper berries
4 bay leaves
1 tablespoon rosemary
2 sticks of cinnamon or turmeric
1 1/2 tablespoons sage
This is great on anything you grill!
You can easily make pretty gifts for others using herbs and flowers from the garden in decorative containers.