The Art of Growing Artichokes (and Eating Them Too)

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After successfully growing artichokes, enjoy the fruits of your labor dipped in butter sauce.
After successfully growing artichokes, enjoy the fruits of your labor dipped in butter sauce.
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Although they're usually grown for their edible flowerets, 'chokes make an attractive addition to any garden.
Although they're usually grown for their edible flowerets, 'chokes make an attractive addition to any garden.
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Harvest the flower buds before the leaves start to open. They can be trimmed and filled with your favorite stuffing for a spectacular treat.
Harvest the flower buds before the leaves start to open. They can be trimmed and filled with your favorite stuffing for a spectacular treat.
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Artichokes are close kin to the similarly shaped wild thistle. 
Artichokes are close kin to the similarly shaped wild thistle. 
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Artichokes are just naturally decorative, as well as delicious. 
Artichokes are just naturally decorative, as well as delicious. 
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The bases of the leaves, the stem, and especially the
The bases of the leaves, the stem, and especially the "heart" can all be eaten. Check your cookbooks for special recipes.

Though many folks are unfamiliar with artichokes, these
plants are among the most beautiful and versatile additions
that you could make to your garden. Their decorative
gray-green leaves, stately pineapple-shaped heads, and

  • Published on Mar 1, 1979
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