Make A Summer Cover Crop Mix

Looking for a summer cover crop mix? Plant your own summer legume cover crops or other plants for weed suppression and a boost to soil organic matter.

Reader Contribution by Pam Dawling
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by AdobeStock/lastfurianec

Looking for a summer cover crop mix? Plant your own summer legume cover crops or other plants for weed suppression and a boost to soil organic matter.

Don’t sow your winter cover crops too early! Oats, barley, wheat and rye sown too early can head up and seed before you get to winter, making them less useful. Instead, sow fast-growing summer cover crops in any space possible, for weed suppression and a boost to soil organic matter. Keep live roots in the ground as much of the time as possible, to feed the microorganisms and anchor the soil, preventing erosion in heavy rains. Dead roots also have a role, providing drainage channels in the soil and letting air in deeper. Adding organic matter to the soil is a way of banking carbon, as well as providing nutrients for your crops.

Deep-rooted cover crops draw up nutrients, bringing them up where crop plants can access them. Leguminous cover crops provide nitrogen, saving imports of organic fertilizers or a big compost-making operation.

Advantages of Summer Cover Crops

  • Updated on Jul 20, 2023
  • Originally Published on Jul 21, 2020
Tagged with: barley, buckwheat, cover crops, hemp, Pam Dawling, Reader Contributions, sorghum, Virginia
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