Grow It: Growing Nuts, Raising Fowl

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The book from which it all sprang, Grow It! has chapters many areas of food cultivation including growing nuts and raising fowl.
The book from which it all sprang, Grow It! has chapters many areas of food cultivation including growing nuts and raising fowl.
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Pecan trees are a good option if you're growing nuts in a climate with a  long, hot growing season.
Pecan trees are a good option if you're growing nuts in a climate with a  long, hot growing season.

All material here reprinted from GROW IT! copyright © 1972 by Richard W. Langer.

Growing Nuts

He that plants trees loves others besides himself.
-Old English Proverb

A nut tree is one of the most valuable things your homestead can have, not only for the high-protein fine winter stores and excellent eating the nutbowl will provide, but for its highly prized timber as well … if it absolutely must be felled. The American chestnut is no more; the black walnut is not far behind in the race to extinction.

  • Published on Sep 1, 1973
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