Garlic Growing Tips for Your Garden

Reader Contribution by Bryan Traficante and Gardeninminutes
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For gardeners who still want to plant something even though winter has come, garlic may still be an option. Garlic is great for planting in the Fall/Early Winter so that it can mature over the Winter and Spring seasons to be harvested in the summer.

Garlic is a root vegetable that’s a staple in most recipes. Gardeners who are serious about usable recipe gardens will include garlic due to its versatility in cooking. Plus, it stores well and can be given to friends and family. Who doesn’t want some garlic as a gift?

Growing garlic is a bit of a challenge, so we need to be mindful of its preferences. The key to great garlic is allowing it to mature. All plants have things they like and don’t like: when they grow, where they grow, soil type, seed spacing, storage, etc. Without knowing about what we plant, our gardens will never grow. So, let’s learn!

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