Gardening Tips for Season and Region

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Photo courtesy MOTHER EARTH NEWS editors
Timely gardening tips for where you live.

New England/Canada Maritimes

The days of strawberries and the sweet smell of newly mown hay are six months behind us — and six months ahead. Summer’s plenty is stored in the freezer and helps us through the darker days of winter. Pull some strawberries from the freezer and make a strawberry mousse. Delicious hot soups are easy to make from just about anything on hand. Winter flies by if you get out and move around in it — shovel, ski, skate or walk, then come in for hot soup or tea, and pull out the new seed catalogs.

I’m looking forward to planting a few new varieties in my garden, including ‘Piracicaba,’ a multi-headed broccoli, and ‘Limon,’ a lemon-yellow habanero-type pepper. This summer, I also plan to conduct a Thai basil trial, looking for plant mass and bolt resistance.

  • Published on Dec 1, 2004
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