Come Learn in Our Gardening Classes

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How to prepare a French intensive gardening bed is one of the skills participants learned in the MOTHER EARTH NEWS gardening classes.
How to prepare a French intensive gardening bed is one of the skills participants learned in the MOTHER EARTH NEWS gardening classes.
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The gardening classes were very much a hands-on production.
The gardening classes were very much a hands-on production.
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Working a hoe.
Working a hoe.
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Later in the year, the garden shows off its abundance.
Later in the year, the garden shows off its abundance.
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A bee visits a brightly colored violet.   
A bee visits a brightly colored violet.   
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Cultivating of flowers as well as vegetables was part of the program. 
Cultivating of flowers as well as vegetables was part of the program. 

If you have already read about Alan Chadwick and his
important contributions to horticulture, you’ll be glad to know that
— although the man is gone — his world-renowned
wholistic gardening technique lives on!

  • Published on Mar 1, 1981
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