Cover Crops for Gardens

Looking to find cover crops for gardens? Learn when to plant cover crops and which ones are best for each season.

Reader Contribution by Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt and Wild Abundance
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by AdobeStock/Евгения Савина
Blooming buckwheat field.

Looking to find cover crops for gardens? Learn when to plant cover crops and which ones are best for each season.2

The raised garden beds at Wild Abundance are built in the shape of a large leaf. The veins of the leaf pattern are walking paths and the diagonal beds are either growing edibles or cover crops. In these no-till beds, the earth is soft, the color of light roasted coffee, and the soil is easily scooped up with bare hands.

“Reach in and grab a handful,” says Natalie Bogwalker, who built these beds five years ago when establishing a site for her permaculture and primitive skills school called Wild Abundance. “We don’t till in this vegetable garden because soil health is of utmost important to us. In nature soil layers are very important because different microbes live in different layers.”

“When you till, you mix up all of these layers and destroy your soil structure, along with the little tunnels that worms, roots, and insects make. These tunnels, and a soil that has aerated structure, is much better at supporting life than soil that has been blended and fluffed. When fluffy soil gets wet, it is more likely to lose air pockets than soil with structure. This is how we grow strong roots, and that is how we get healthy vegetables.”

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