Cold Frames, Fresh Greens and Homegrown Roots

Reader Contribution by Ira Wallace
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Right now our garden is full of all kinds of fresh greens for salads and cooking. We particularly enjoy the tasty, fast growing, winter hardy greens like New Star Mustard and Even’ Star Winter Arugula from Brett Grosghal of Even’ Star Farm in Maryland. 

If you just got the year-round garden bug you might consider making quick and cheap homemade cold frames or a wire low tunnel. We set up a simple straw  bale cold frame with 9 yr old kalwall covers, a scrap wood  cold frame with used window  covers and a bed covered with a Reemay Garden Blanket, just before Thanksgiving to see what we can start from seed during what Elliot Coleman calls the “Persephone Days.” (This is the period from Nov 21 to Jan 21 when light is lowest and plant growth slows to a crawl.) Most of our winter garden was already sown by August or September, but we’re experimenting starting quick growing greens and radishes further into winter.


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