Climbing Okra, an Edible Gourd

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Climbing okra is an edible gourd that offers a double bounty of bright, fragrant flowers and delicious fruit.
Climbing okra is an edible gourd that offers a double bounty of bright, fragrant flowers and delicious fruit.
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Despite the resemblance of its seed pods to okra, climbing okra is in fact kin to the common cucumber.
Despite the resemblance of its seed pods to okra, climbing okra is in fact kin to the common cucumber.

Despite its name, climbing okra (Luffa acutangula) isn’t an okra at all. Rather, it’s been tagged with that misleading moniker because of its superficial resemblance to garden okra.

So, just what is climbing okra, if okra it ain’t? It’s an edible gourd, a kissing cousin to the loofah (Luffa cylindrica). And, since all Luffa varieties belong to the family Cucurbitaceae, climbing okra is actually kin to the common cucumber.

Climbing okra is a vigorous vine that uses its long tendrils to cling to supporting structures such as trellises and fences. Depending on soil quality and related growing conditions, this plant’s runners can reach 6′ to 20′ in length, quickly covering its support with a lush canopy of large, dark green leaves. (In warm, moist regions it’s sometimes necessary to control the vine’s rampant growth by pinching off the tips of runners.)

Luffa acutangula begins producing flowers well before reaching maturity. Blooms are 2 1/2″ to 3 1/2″ in diameter and resemble butter yellow thunbergia flowers. The blossoms open late in the afternoon and remain open all night. At twilight the flowers almost seem to glow, exuding a sweet fragrance that’s irresistible to moths and late-shift bees. Male and female blooms grow on separate stalks and are easy to tell apart: The males stand out from the foliage on elongated stalks; female flowers hug the stems and are backed by immature fruit.

A Multitude of Uses for the Okra that Ain’t

  • Published on May 1, 1985
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