Carrot Varieties to Sustain You All Year

Plant the right carrot varieties at the right times, and you’ll be enjoying carrots all year long.

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Among North American varieties, there are five major types of carrots based on root shape.

By choosing the right carrot varieties and making spring and summer sowings, you can eat fresh carrots year-round. You’ll be able to harvest carrots as you need them, let some overwinter in the ground and always have some in the refrigerator that are washed and ready to eat.

North American carrots are classified into five major categories, based on the shape of their roots. There is plenty of crossover between categories (for example, Nantes-Imperator types), but these general classifications are useful for choosing carrot varieties based on the type of soil in your garden and the season in which you plan to grow them.

Nantes: straight, cylindrical roots 5 to 7 inches long; sweet flavor and crisp texture; limited storage potential
Varieties: ‘Early Nantes’ (OP*), ‘Nelson’ (F1*), ‘Mokum’ (F1)
Season: spring to early summer, late summer to fall

  • Updated on Jan 15, 2022
  • Originally Published on Apr 1, 2006
Tagged with: carrot seeds, carrot varieties, growing carrots
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