Them That’s Doin’: Bucket Garden

Check out how a bucket or container gardens can help with even temporary disability.

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by Carla Tilghman

Welcome to Them That’s Doin’, a department featuring farmers, gardeners, and other sustainably-minded folks discussing what they’ve been up to. For the past year, in honor of Mother’s 50th anniversary, we’ve heard from editors and readers about what’s caught their eye, and how they’ve been spending their time. Read a roundup of their experiences, techniques, and tools on our Them That’s Doin’ collection page.

Bucket Garden

There I was, facing hip surgery, right at the beginning of the growing season. I knew the surgery wouldn’t take place until summer, but my motion was already somewhat limited, and I realized that bending over raised beds wasn’t going to happen for me this season. The solution? An excellent moment to try some ideas and plants I’d had in mind for a container garden!

As usual, I started various seeds indoors in March, but this time, I chose several plants specifically designed for containers: dwarf okra, a dwarf cantaloupe, two different types of tomatoes, and dwarf peppers, in addition to lettuces, carrots, and herbs. My partner in crime, otherwise known as my spouse, was a champ who drilled holes in 28 buckets; filled them with soil, compost, and worm castings; and then built tables so I wouldn’t have to bend down to tend the plants. While we didn’t have as big of a garden as usual, the containers meant we could still enjoy fresh produce throughout summer and into fall with second plantings. –Carla Tilghman, editor

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