Varieties | Regional Adaptation | Low-bush | Not as productive as other types, but useful for mass plantings in cold climates with acidic soil. | Minnesota-bred ‘Polaris’ and ‘Northblue’ grow less than 3 feet high and produce delicious berries. | Hardy to at least minus 25 degrees, these are great little shrubs for woodland edges in northern sites with acidic soil. |
Highbush | These long-lived 5- to 6-foot bushes bear heavy crops with little maintenance and few pest problems. | Organically enriched acidic soil brings out the best flavor in ‘Blue Moon,’ ‘Jersey’ and other high-yielding varieties. | Require winter chilling, and hardy to at least minus 20 degrees; hardiness varies with variety. |
Rabbiteye | Heavy-bearing bushes need little maintenance when kept mulched and grown in good soil. Plants can grow to 8 feet tall. | ‘Tifblue,’ ‘Woodard’ and ‘Brightwell’ are top blueberry varieties for flavor, vigor and productivity. | Best blueberries for the South. Need fertile acidic soil. Hardy to zero degrees or more; cold tolerance varies with variety. |
To learn more, see Growing Blueberries.