America’s Best Tomatoes

By Staff
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Thanks for contributing to our report on America’s best tomatoes. Below are the questions we would like you to address. Just scroll down to the bottom of the Comments, enter your name and email, then post your review in the Comments box, retype the code in the box (this helps block spam) and hit “Add Comment.” (You may find it’s easiest to compose your answers in Word and then paste them into the Comments window.)

If you don’t see a sequence of numbers and letters to enter in the box that says “Enter the code shown,” click Refresh on your browser. If you still can’t get an image to verify after a few refresh tries, please send your comments directly to Barbara Pleasant, We apologize for the technical difficulties.

  1. What are your favorite tomato varieties, and why?
  2. In your region, are there certain varieties or types of tomatoes (cherry, paste, slicer, etc.) that are more dependable than others?  Is so, please describe them.
  • Published on Sep 20, 2007
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