Back in between our four thornless blackberry bushes and somewhere in the wood mulch, my daughter discovered some morel mushrooms growing. Because our yard has a bevy of random mushrooms growing here and there, I initially just figured she found something inedible.
A few years back, I found a large mushroom growing under the dogwood tree. I never did really figure out what it was, but I wasn’t going to take my chances.
This time, however, it was pretty clear what was growing. The mushrooms fit the classic description for morels and, when I cut them open, they were hollow inside. They couldn’t have been anything else but morels. The funny things is that I was actually planning on “planting” morel spawn this year to have our own patch, but I guess I don’t need to now depending on how many more we get, of course. I left a few out there to hopefully propagate (or whatever that type of mushroom does).
In any case, so far we’ve had a few delicious meals from the morels and I have to admit that we are extremely lucky to have such a treasure trove of mushrooms growing effortlessly in our backyard.
Do you have edible mushroom growing in your yard (on purpose or otherwise)?