5 Easy Ways to Build a Permaculture Community Garden

permaculture community garden

Reader Contribution by Joshua Burman Thayer and Native Sun Gardens
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by Adobestock/desertsands
Learn how to build a permaculture community garden that will help maximize the potential of your communal growing space throughout the year.

The Community Garden movement is sweeping the nation.  For Americans nationwide who do not have the space to farm at home, community plots offer an accessible way to produce local healthy foods.  Upon becoming a board member of the Benicia Community Garden Project, a first goal has been to increase participation so that all community beds stay in production year-round.  The pleasure of late season homegrown heirloom tomatoes often follows with beds abandoned after the last tomato harvest.  For many members the Spring through Autumn growing season is the sole focus of their garden bed.  Therein lies the opportunity to communicate as a community and utilize the beds that lie fallow for half of the year.  For those of us who fall into this pattern, this article is aimed to broaden our approach to community garden plots and thus, Think Outside of the Box.

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