Human Foods Cats Can Eat

Reader Contribution by Ann Katelyn
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by Adobestock/kozorog

Read about preparing a diet to feed your cat raw food using safe and healthy human foods cats can eat.

If you have been educating yourself on what you should be feeding your kitty, you know by now that not all people foods are meant for these cute beings. When it comes to nutrition, you should never go for the cheapest options, especially if your cat’s health is on the line. However, cheap doesn’t always mean unhealthy. What you need to do is develop the habit of reading food labels.

If you are planning to feed your cat raw food, you should at least know the basic ingredients that are necessary to promote cat nutrition. Here are some of the top picks when it comes to giving your feline food that would support its complete nutritional needs.

High-Quality Meat

If there is one thing that we know about cats, it’s the fact that they need protein in their diet. Felines spend most of their days being active and to support their energy levels, they need to eat the right kind of food. There is a wide array of meat products that you can choose from. However, there are a lot of cat owners who go for chicken and turkey meals. This ingredient is quite familiar if you have a thing for reading the labels of your cat food.

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