Support Better Sunscreen Labels & Safer Products

Reader Contribution by Stephanie Bloyd
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Photo by Pixabay/marijana1

The FDA just proposed updating its sunscreen labeling laws, and has set a 90-day comment period for the public to submit their thoughts before the final version is approved. You can find extensive information about it on the FDA site.

As we discussed in the Safer Sunscreen tip awhile back, many sunscreens offer no protection from UVA rays, which are responsible for skin damage and aging. A sunscreen’s SPF only reflects its ability to block UVB rays.

So the FDA is proposing a requirement for sunscreen labels to clearly show their level of UVA protection. Labels would also be required to carry a warning about the dangers associated with excess sun exposure.

The FDA is also looking for consumer comments on nanoparticles (PDF) in sunscreen. Per the FDA summary: ‘Because of the potential risk of nanoparticle ingredients penetrating consumers’ skin, FDA is soliciting public comment on the safety and effectiveness of sunscreen ingredients formulated in particle sizes as small as a few nanometers.’

  • Published on Aug 23, 2007
Tagged with: Reader Contributions
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