A Herbal Answer to Natural Birth Control

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Illustration by Mother Earth News staff
Lithospermum rudeale, commonly called "western stoneseed" was identified by the Shoshone of Nevada as being a successful natural contraceptive.

The Shoshone of Nevada are said to be sophisticated in herbal medicines, collecting their own plants in nearby mountains. It was among these people in the 1930’s that the use of Lithospermum rudeale as a contraceptive was discovered.

The first reports indicated that a cold water infusion from the roots taken daily as a drink for a period of six months would ensure sterility thereafter.

Under U.S. Department of Agriculture auspices, pharmacological research was carried out on this plant, and in 1945 a laboratory study was published confirming the effectiveness of this plant as a contraceptive.

Since 1945 a dozen or more serious laboratory studies on animals have been made, all confirming the contraceptive properties of the plant. The active principle, called Lithospermic Acid (LA), in low concentration acts specifically on the pituitary gland, suppressing the production of gonadotropins (hormones which stimulate the sex glands) and certain pituitary hormones.

This type of “antihormonal” action is said to be pharmacologically unique and the effects of the drug do not seem to be duplicated by other known compounds. LA is highly soluble and may be extracted by cold water. The resulting solutions are usually yellow or brown in color.

  • Published on May 1, 1970
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