Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

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Beans are high in fiber and low in fat — just the ticket for lowering cholesterol.
Beans are high in fiber and low in fat — just the ticket for lowering cholesterol.
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Eating an occasional avocado can help reduce cholesterol.
Eating an occasional avocado can help reduce cholesterol.
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Shiitake mushrooms contain a cholesterol-lowering compound.
Shiitake mushrooms contain a cholesterol-lowering compound.

Learn how these healthy foods and herbs can help with lowering cholesterol naturally.

The cholesterol story began in 1951, when the Pentagon sent pathologists to Korea to study the bodies of servicemen killed in the war there.

Although almost no one under 35 dies of coronary heart disease, autopsies revealed that more than 75 percent of the soldiers, average age 21, had yellow deposits of atherosclerotic plaque on their artery walls. The Army pathologists’ reports shocked the medical community because, until these autopsies, doctors had assumed these artery-clogging deposits were found only in much older men.

Soon after, cholesterol was identified as a major contributor to the buildup of plaque and to the risk of heart disease. More recently, scientists have discovered that for every 1 percent drop in cholesterol level, there is a 2 percent decrease in heart attack risk.

Understanding Cholesterol Numbers

  • Published on Dec 1, 2001
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