A Simple Explanation Of Your Immune System

Dr. White offers a simple explanation of your immune system. Understanding how the immune system works could help you boost your immunity.

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by AdobeStock/Alexander Raths

Dr. White offers a simple explanation of your immune system. Understanding how the immune system works could help you boost your immunity.

We navigate a germy world. We handle money, borrow pens, share electronics, exchange kisses, shake hands, dig in gardens, clean litter boxes and change diapers. During our everyday business, we mingle with billions of microorganisms.

That we rarely succumb to infectious illness is downright miraculous, and our immune systems deserve most of the credit for that. The main function of this diffuse, interacting network of cells and chemicals is to combat pathogenic (disease-causing) microbes. It patrols the body for anything abnormal and potentially dangerous, such as cancer cells.

This complex and fascinating system affects your every waking hour, so learning how your immune system works will help you understand your body’s response to infection and shed light on how to boost your immunity. Let’s take a look inside.

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