After my first do-it-yourself scrub, I did some experimenting to see what combinations I could create. Eager to make some yummy, detoxifying scrubs for my arms and legs, I mixed some simple ingredients to my trusty epsom salts to achieve clarity, exfoliation, and moisture using coffee grounds, lemon zest, and coconut oil. Brilliant? Yes! Simple? You bet.
Every couple weeks I like to give my body a thorough scrub to remove dead skin cells and reduce the likelihood of shaving burn and ingrown hair. Seeing what seems like a recent spike in popularity with coffee scrubs in the beauty world, I decided to give one a try. In addition to my interest in testing the raving reviews on coffee grounds, I have one big dealbreaker when it comes to beauty routines: All-natural ingredients only.
Tying in my own interest in green beauty, I created a completely natural salt scrub with no harsh chemicals — and it’s actually quite simple! The scrub is made of four ingredients that you (or your neighbor) probably have in the kitchen cabinet.
The first ingredient, coffee grounds, have antioxidants which help prevent premature skin aging, tightens skin, and helps reduce cellulite. Additionally, epsom salts are known to soothe aching muscles, act as an exfoliant, while coconut oil helps condition the skin and lock in moisture.
Lemons, another antioxidant packed ingredient, are great for neutralizing free radicals and boosting collagen production.
It’s quite amazing how simple, cheap ingredients can be combined to create such great self-care concoctions. Follow along to read up on the easy, 4-step body scrub that you and your skin will love!
Homemade Coffee-Lemon Body Scrub Recipe
• epsom salts or organic granulated sugar
• organic coconut oil
• coffee grounds
• lemon zest
• recycled jar
1. Spoon out about two tablespoons of organic coconut oil, such asTrader Joe’s Organic Virgin Coconut Oil into a microwave safe dish. Substitutes such as olive oil work as well.
2. Next, spoon about a half cup of epsom salts into the coconut oil and mix well. Depending how wet and conditioning you want your scrub, you can add more melted coconut oil. Add in your desired amount of coffee grounds. I used approximately two tablespoons.
3. Wash your lemon and use a zester to remove half of the rind. Add to the coffee scrub mixture and mix well.
4. Spoon your ingredients into a recycled jar (mine was previously used to hold jam), add twine, and gift it to someone you love. Or, enjoy it yourself!
Until next time, you can find more eco-friendly DIYs and sustainable fashion tips on Sustainable Daisy.
Karen Housel is a fashion designer and DIY enthusiast. If you create this DIY and share on social media, use #sustainabledaisy so she can take a look! Follow Karen on Instagram, or subscribe to her blog at Sustainable Daisy for more eco-friendly lifestyle tips! Read all of her MOTHER EARTH NEWS posts here.
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