Home Remedies for Toothaches, Gingivitis and More

Reader Contribution by Chelsea Clark
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by Adobe Stock/5ph

Try out these home remedies for toothaches, gingivitis treatments, and bad breath solutions, which use herbs to help you feel healthier.

If you have recurrent dental problems or are currently suffering from pain in a tooth, give these home remedies for toothaches, gingivitis, and bad breath a try. Herbal treatments such as turmeric, sage, and peppermint, are natural and effective ways to ease pain, fight bacteria, and prevent inflammation.

Remedies for Toothaches

Experiencing nagging pain near your tooth and gums? While you should make an appointment with your dentist soon to diagnose the cause of the pain, there are many natural herbal therapies that can help ease your discomfort in the meantime. Try the following ideas:

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