3 Herbs for Nausea (Video)
By Jessica Kellner
These herbs for nausea can be used to soothe upset stomachs, calm nerves and prevent illness.
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Use herbal remedies with confidence. The three herbs covered in this video — chamomile, ginger and Echinacea — have stood the test of time and are proven to be reliable healers. With certain caveats, these plant medicines are safe and effective. Use them to reduce nausea, calm nerves and prevent the onset of illness. Chamomile is a mild sedative that will also help calm nerves. Drink it as a tea or use it in a soothing bath. To prevent the onset of illness, super dose with echinacea, a powerful immune-booster. Drink ginger tea or ginger ale with real ginger to soothe nausea, morning sickness or motion sickness. Be sure to talk with your health-care practitioner before incorporating any new herbs to your health regimen.
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