Herbal Remedies for the Elderly: Natural Skin Care That Works

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"Hands On Healing Remedies," by Stephanie L. Tourles, offers 150 herbal remedies for everything from back pain to poison ivy rashes.
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This balm, made primarily with common garden herbs, soothes redness and irritation and encourages skin cell regeneration and increased elasticity of tight, dry, mature skin tissue.
This balm, made primarily with common garden herbs, soothes redness and irritation and encourages skin cell regeneration and increased elasticity of tight, dry, mature skin tissue.

In Hands-On Healing Remedies (Storey Publishing, 2012), Stephanie Tourles offers 150 original recipes for herbal balms, oils, salves, liniments and other topical ointments you can make yourself to treat a wide range of conditions, from headaches and backaches to arthritis, tendonitis, fungal infections, anxiety, cuts and scrapes, insomnia, splinters, and cracked skin. These preparations are all-natural, effective, safe and fun to prepare. Take control of your well-being and stock your family’s medicine cabinet with your own custom-made herbal remedies. The following excerpt comes from part 2, “A Collection of Herbal Remedies.”

You can purchase this book from the MOTHER EARTH NEWS store: Hands-On Herbal Remedies.

Elder Care Concerns (70+ Years)

The elderly often have special needs that develop with advancing years — drier and more delicate skin, slower healing of wounds, poor circulation, and declining immune health. These herbal remedies can help address these concerns.

When creating topical herbal remedies for older individuals, I always take into account that their skin generally tends to be quite papery, fragile, and porous. It can tear, bruise, and bleed easily and often reacts to even moderate ingredient concentrations when younger, thicker, healthier skin might not, so all these products are made with gentle, ultra-mild, yet effective ingredients.

  • Published on Jul 18, 2013
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