We are living in a world that is constantly surrounded by technology and screens. The world is becoming a great deal smaller, as it is becoming almost second nature to chat with somebody on the other side of the world, across town (or even a different room of your home) with a quick text, instant message, call, video call or email within arm’s reach! While communications are more accessible and convenient than ever before, some people are reporting increased loneliness because although quantity of communication is there, quality is unfortunately not.
More and more people are looking to reconnect themselves with nature and taking a step back from technology and the digital world to get in touch with mother earth. There is a holistic appeal to living off the land, cultivating and growing your own food where possible, generating your own energy and making a conscious effort to spend some time away from the computer, phone or television screens.
Many Americans are looking to get back to nature because it’s a healthier lifestyle option. It is not only more friendly for the environment, but eating fresh food, spending more time outdoors and being active can do wonders for an individual’s health.
‘Technology free Tuesdays’ are a fantastic way for people to make an additional effort to allocate weekly slow time for yourself and find some time to properly talk and enjoy each other’s company. Sharing a meal and playing a board game, and trying to make your home a smartphone free zone for the evening and enjoying eachother’s genuine company can be fulfilling.
Vacations that bring the holiday maker closer to nature are also becoming increasingly popular. From camping holidays, hiring RVs or buying are all fantastic ways to get out of the city and truly appreciate the beautiful surroundings nature has to offer. It is the perfect opportunity to leave technology at home and go for walks, observe wildlife and experience a different kind of living.
In addition to getting back to nature, being in more control of what we put into and onto our bodies is also becoming more prevalent in today’s society, with people looking to cut out processed, unhealthy food. According to Mint, Americans have become a good deal more health conscious over the past five years, and the diet food industry growing by 72 percent since 2000.
Americans are also interested in buying more organic products than ever before, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that more and more people are becoming interested in the move back to all-natural farming techniques and the Organic Trade Association’s 2014 survey found that 80 percent of American families are now actively and regularly making organic products as part of their shopping list.
Consumption of seasonal food that is sourced locally has many health benefits and also considerably decreases an individual’s carbon footprint. Home grown food is also a fantastic way to decrease food waste (nobody wants to throw away food they have grown themselves) and save money, which are both fantastic for the environment.
So, despite living in a world that is so immersed in technologies and dependent upon computers, it appears that the trend of people getting back to nature is increasing. This will lead to more people becoming environmentally aware which will only result in good things for the environment and the world we live in.
Image credit: hardworkinghippy.
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