Boost Nutrition With These Food Pairings

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What if you discovered that the best place to begin your pursuit of happiness was at the end of your fork? Happiness is largely a biological event, and emerging research in neuroscience and nutrition shows a substantial link between how we eat and how we feel. In “The Happiness Diet,” you’ll find out why and how to avoid the sugars, fats and toxins rampant in the modern American diet while also discovering the best foods for a sharp brain, balanced mood and energized body. Authors Tyler Graham and Drew Ramsey, M.D., provide a comprehensive gastronomical guide to a happier you, serving up sound food science, shopping advice, meal plans and delicious, healthful recipes — yes, even one for that all-American burger on the book’s cover!
What if you discovered that the best place to begin your pursuit of happiness was at the end of your fork? Happiness is largely a biological event, and emerging research in neuroscience and nutrition shows a substantial link between how we eat and how we feel. In “The Happiness Diet,” you’ll find out why and how to avoid the sugars, fats and toxins rampant in the modern American diet while also discovering the best foods for a sharp brain, balanced mood and energized body. Authors Tyler Graham and Drew Ramsey, M.D., provide a comprehensive gastronomical guide to a happier you, serving up sound food science, shopping advice, meal plans and delicious, healthful recipes — yes, even one for that all-American burger on the book’s cover!
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The healthful compounds in blueberries and walnuts are even more powerful at sharpening memory and improving communication between brain cells when they work together.
The healthful compounds in blueberries and walnuts are even more powerful at sharpening memory and improving communication between brain cells when they work together.

The following is an excerpt from The Happiness Diet by Tyler Graham and Drew Ramsey, M.D. (Rodale, 2011). We know industrial food makes us unhealthy, but new research has revealed it’s also making us unhappy. In this lively, accessible book, you’ll learn how food plays a vital role in brain function and how you can improve your mental and emotional well-being by tweaking what’s on your plate. Peppered throughout are the authors’ Top 100 Reasons to Avoid Processed Foods — did you know many artificial food colorings are synthesized from coal tar, or that Big Tobacco owns Kraft, Nabisco and a number of other popular processed food brands? This excerpt is from Chapter 3, “Bad Food, Bad Mood.”

(We’ve included links to recipes that contain some of the following healthful food pairings. Bon appétit! — MOTHER)

Many of the dishes humans have eaten for generations — such as rice and beans, or tomatoes drizzled with olive oil — have withstood the test of time not simply because the ingredients taste delicious together. Health experts believe we enjoy these food combinations because they’re more nutritious together than they are on their own. The concept is called “food synergy,” and it explains how two foods can be greater than the sum of their parts. Here are a few of the most powerful food synergies currently known to science.

Eggs and Cheese

The vitamin D found in egg yolks makes the calcium in dairy more available to your body — important not only for bones, but for heart health as well.

  • Published on Mar 21, 2012
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